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It doesn’t matter whether you are a Hair Stylist, Nail Technician, M age The , or Makeup Artist.
If you’re a Cosmetologist, and you are not making as much money as you want, then you’ve come to the right place.
Erika’s been a hairdresser for nearly 15 years, working 6 days most weeks, has a regular clientele, and yet…
Amanda, on the other hand, graduated from cosmetology school less than 2 years ago, works 3 or 4 days a week, and like Erika, has regular clientele. The difference is she makes more than double the amount of money Erika makes and her paycheck is increasing week after week.
How is it possible that Erika’s barely getting by? She works more days, she’s more experienced, and she’s got regular clients, too!
So while Erika is working harder, Amanda works smarter. Amanda started marketing her business even before she got out of school. By the time she got her license, she already had a two week waiting list of clients. She’s able to work fewer days because her chair is full all day long. The phone rings constantly with new clients asking for her by name. And she’s booked solid for a month at a time.
“I recently moved from Florida to Georgia and needed to rebuild my clientele quickly. Using a few tips I learned from “Top 10 Modern Marketing Secrets”, I am doing as much business as I did back home but am making twice the money”.
They don’t teach this stuff in school. And they didn’t even mention it back when Erika was in school. The majority of people in your field get their Cosmetology license, have business cards printed and think they’re good to go. Maybe they think new clients will magically appear as regulars move away or stop coming.
They depend on the shop owner to advertise for them, or bank on the fact that the franchise is so well known they’ll get lots of walk-in trade. Walk-in trade is good for extra cash, but you should never count on them as the bread and er of your income.
Why? Because there’s no loyalty in walk-in clients. You don’t have the opportunity to build a relationship with them. No, you should never rely on walk in trade. In fact, your goal should be to increase your business to the point you don’t have an empty slot in which to put a walk-in. Let them go to the cosmetologist who’s just doing a job, because you’re too busy building a business.
At the other end of the spectrum are the ones who spend gobs of money, month after month, advertising their business in the wrong places, wondering why business is not picking up more. They’re the ones who have to stay till 8 or 9 o’clock at night, trying to make enough to cover their bills.
“I just want to thank you for creating this book. Using just two of the tips described, my business is up almost 40% in less than 6 weeks. I knew I needed to be advertising “myself” more but didn’t know where to start. Your book outlines the steps so well that I was able to get started right immediately. Thanks!”
Marketing your business just means promoting it. Advertising the right way, in the right places. It’s really so simple, I couldn’t understand why more cosmetologists were not doing it. So I did some research and found that no one was teaching them how.
Everything you need to know to explode your customer base and increase your profits can be found in "Top 10 Modern Marketing Secrets Every Cosmetologist Needs to Know". The easy to use techniques are explained in step by step detail.
In today’s compe ive marketplace, it’s not enough to just have business cards to hand out. You have to take an active role in your own business promoting. In order to enjoy the benefits of a large client base, you can’t depend on someone else to do your marketing for you. Even if you’re part of a well-known establishment, any advertising done is done for their business, not yours.
With "Top 10 Modern Marketing Secrets Every Cosmetologist Needs to Know" you’ll have a blueprint you can follow to make promoting your business as easy as possible, even if you think you can’t sell water to a thirsty man, or don’t want to sell anything at all. Believe it or not, you’re already selling something every day.
Sometimes you sell your child on the idea of eating his vegetables. You sell your customer on a different hair style or color. You sell your husband, wife or significant other on taking a trip next weekend, or even something as simple as watching a certain TV show… Read more…
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