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How to effortlessly shut down the hot flashes… the night sweats… the irritability… and the endless list of nagging symptoms before they have a chance to ignite…
You don’t have to needlessly suffer… or rely on drugs you aren’t convinced are safe… There are both natural and traditional options well-grounded in science most women aren’t being told about to offer immediate relief…
Fill in the form below to download this 100% FREE tell-all report every woman needs to make an informed decision right for HER body
Plus, so much more. Just enter and your name and email address in the form on the right to get instant access. PLUS, I’ll also throw-in a FREE 7-part e-course on how to roll back the clock on your most frustrating menopause miseries and gain instant relief.
To get a free report and a 7 day email lesson series on how to deal with the menopause,fill in the boxes below.Your privacy is ured.
Hit the "x" to close other open web pages, eliminate all distractions, pour yourself a nice beverage, and soak-up every word inside this revealing "tell all" report below… for what will be the most important information about your health you will ever read.
Dear Friend, It can all be so much… All your life… You’ve cooked… You’ve cleaned… You’ve nurtured… … and you’ve loved. Now… suddenly… with little warning it sneaks up on you… like running into a brick wall.
What are we talking about? The "big change"… menopause, of course… …when your menstrual cycle soon stops… your hormone production slows to a screeching halt… and the days of carrying new life into the world are at an end.
Your kids… who it seems like just yesterday were cuddled-up in your arms… are growing-up, moving-out, and onto create families of their own. The cycle of life hits home. Worry, anxiety, and stress come with it. For a few lucky women, symptoms are minor. They get by well-enough. But, for the majority, menopause feels downright frustrating. The hot flashes… irritability… insomnia… mood swings… l dryness… loss of libido… urinary incontinence… headaches… and the list seems to never end.
Your work life, your personal life, and your romantic life are put on hold. Sound sleep becomes more difficult, even near impossible to get. This is what leads many women to head to the doctor… …and, in turn, he typically prescribes hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Many women see it as a godsend. It works wonders. But, at the same time, the risks are well-known. In the back of your mind… you know the well-established increased risks of cancer… stroke… and heart-disease. You might have even experienced the personal toll first-hand with a friend who developed breast cancer while on it. Or, because of risk factors, you can’t use them at all. W ver side of the fence you come down on, one thing’s for sure…
Hi. My name is Faye Finlay. For years, I’ve worked with nurses, patients, and doctors as a medical professional. For as long as l can remember, I’ve been interested in healing and in college I majored in health sciences. Today, my friends know me as "Health reporter Faye"… because, whenever they have a health question, they know I’ll research the most credible sources and uncover the best information. Kind of like the "in house" doctor… only without the confusing "medical mumbo-jumbo" you need a dictionary and an encyclopedia to translate. More recently, as my friends and I have gotten older… the issue of the day has been pesky… even downright horrifying "menopause misery." "Horrifying" because of the untimely hot flashes… the repeat night sweats… the slow down of any kind of love life… and the inability to fall asleep adds-up. You never know when they’re going to pop-up… at the worse time… and interrupt your day (or sleep).
At least, that’s how it felt for one my friends, Marie. You see, one day Marie came over to my house for a "girls night-in." And, as usual, we got to chatting. She told me about how she had gone to the doctor… hoping to discuss all of her options for treating her menopause symptoms. But, wound-up walking out with just one instead…
After all, it makes sense that if your hormone levels fall… the "fix" is to add more. However, Marie was worried. She had heard about the studies. And, well, she couldn’t put how she was feeling into words. She trusted her doctor… but she still didn’t feel comfortable. Something felt "off." Something amiss. She didn’t know who else to turn to… it seemed like every book… every friend, even popular TV talk show hosts had their own opinions… … often… Read more…
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