Get The Friends You Want eBook

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Get The Friends You Want eBook
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Get The Friends You Want Overcome Shyness & Loneliness, Master Conversation & Social Skills, Make Friends & Build a Social Circle

“Could It Really Be Possible That Problems With Loneliness, Shyness, Social Anxiety And Inability To Have Conversations, And Make Friends GET WORSE As YOU GET OLDER?”

Sadly, the answer is YES… but it’s NOT because you’re meant to be alone for life… or even because you’re not a good and valuable person. Read on to discover the reason why so many people end up lonely, crippled by shyness, unable to make good conversation and cause potential friends to REJECT them… or even humiliate them and talk behind their backs.

I had all the socially awkward symptoms. I felt lonely, shy, and filled with social anxiety. I couldn’t hold a conversation to save my life. I was the last person you could ever call “Cool” or “Interesting”. I had NO IDEA how to make friends. And I couldn’t even DREAM of having a couple of friends, let alone a GROUP of friends.

Let’s face it, they don’t teach us this stuff at school. If you’re shy what should you do? If you have no friends or not the kind of friends that make you happy, what should you do? Give up?

After a few google searches you’ll find advice that is so broad and imprecise that you would have NO IDEA how to apply it.

You can even read Carnegie’s book “How to make friends and influence people” and not know EXACTLY what to do today in order to make new friends.

This was a big deal for me. I spent 7 to 8 years studying social interaction, human behavior and psychology. I tried every advice that I could get my hands on, even had to import some old books from Austria that never made it to .com and no one knows about.

I was looking for the KEY FACTORS that made people… try and hang out with some people and try to be friends with them… while ignoring, rejecting and even making fun of other people. I started to apply and got rid of some of my problems with social awkwardness and started making some friends here and there. But at first, it seemed like it’s going to take FOR EVER.

At one point, I stopped relying on the techniques of the experts I found in books and tapes. I started to look for people who have lots of friends in the REAL WORLD.

I started watching them and getting to know some of them. At first, I was very intimidated. Then I started to see patterns between what I saw and what I learned by myself.

By combining experts’ advice and “street-smarts” techniques… I started making friends FAST. I started to see WHY I needed to build a social circle and how do the popular people do it in a matter of weeks.

This happened mostly when they just moved to my city and I got to know them. A couple of weeks were enough for them to make more friends that I could gather up in a YEAR.

All of these things aren’t just easy to learn and put into action,… they are also INSANELY FUN to learn.

Back in the day, I had all the awkward symptoms, the loner habits, the unattractive qualities a person can have… I know how it all feels like.

I interviewed a lot of guys and girls that not only had more friends than they could ever keep up with, but also had lots of deep and meaningful friendships with people who would stand beside them, no matter what.

I got many times into a situation where I had ZERO friends and had to do it all over again… I didn’t know how to build a social circle and fell on my face repeatedly and saw my circle of friends blow up in front of my eyes, it happened to me also when I needed to move to new places, I had to start from scratch.

I studied social behavior, psychology, human motivation for the last 7 to 8 years and applied and tried many models of improving a social life, making friends, stripped it down and kept just what worked CONSISTENTLY in the REAL WORLD.

I did research about loneliness, shyness and social anxiety that took me a couple of years and I finally understood what these things are made out of so I can get rid of them for good.

My friends that are experts in self-improvement and sales always encouraged me to write a book or do seminars, and even invited me to speak at a self-improvement conference in a major city. At first… Read more…

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