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And As Strange As It Sounds, A Lot Of The Time He Actually Believes He’s Helping The Relationship When He’s With Another Woman…
At that point, we’re going to have no choice but to either start charging money to read this message, or just pull it down from the Internet for good. So we urge you to read it in its entirety while you still can.
And just because these days we live in societies that tell us we should stay monogamous to just one partner, doesn’t mean he can turn that part of his brain off.
In fact, the same part of his brain that’s controlled his ual behavior since the caveman days is now stronger and more active than ever!
Since it not only controls his primitive need to produce more children, but also his need for ual and physical satisfaction…
And the only thing separating your man from the girls constantly stretching and bending over in the Pilates studio is nothing but a thin see-through gl wall?
But the truth is that his brain is actually telling him that these women can ually satisfy him better than you!
This same part of his brain can start influencing his behavior in ways he usually cannot control…
And when that happens, he might even believe that he’s not responsible for any of his actions…
Get it out of his system, and then go on as if nothing happened. You’ll never find out, and your life will continue on as normal…
Until he once again gets that uncontrollable urge at some point down the line… But sadly most women aren’t that fortunate…
And at that point, it’s almost a guarantee that your man would have developed loving feelings for another woman that goes much deeper than simply having with her.
The man that you love, trust, and have given your heart to may already have one foot out the door…
And if you don’t do something about it right now, then you could very quickly find your relationship come crumbling down at your feet before you know it…
And here’s some more good new… You can finally experience these amazing sensations even if…
And we’re going to give you the exact formula you’ll need to know, to make all of this and more your reality, right now…
So let’s get down to business with those powerful “Psychological Loopholes” that will allow you to force your man to love, desire, and crave you more and more every day:
Men are naturally very compe ive… And I don’t just mean when they try to prove they can eat more hot wings than their friends…
Whether they are trying to life heavier weights at the gym, bring in bigger clients at work, or be a better provider for their family.
And this internal compe ive nature only gets stronger the older he gets… The minute a man feels himself slow down, that compe iveness becomes all he can focus on.
So when you learn how to make him focus this compe iveness in to making you happy, he’s going to work non-stop to let you know how much he loves and adores you every single day.
In the early 1900’s Sigmund Freud published a research do ent which stated that men receive more ual satisfaction when they believe that you’ve received more satisfaction…
This means that the more you enjoy the , the more he’ll enjoy it. A lot of women realized this to some extent at different points in their lives; which is why some women fake s when they are ready for the to be over.
They realized that by pretending to enjoy the action much more, it would cause their lover to enjoy it enough to finish up quickly.
Now when you take this “Psychological Loophole” and combine it with the first one, you’re going to find that your man is in a very suggestive state.
If there’s ever been anything you’d want him to do differently in bed, this is the perfect opportunity to teach him.
And since now you really will be enjoying the much more, you will both become much more physically and emotionally close than ever before.
But we’re not done yet, because the next “Psychological Loophole” is going to help you build levels of romance that most women doubt they will ever experience.
This final “Psychological Loophole” is a bit different than the other two, but is arguably the most powerful one of all…
You are going to utilize something called the “Yes Theory” to give your man simple little rewards just for saying ‘yes’ to certain questions you ask him. Read more…
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