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Discover all the workshops and courses here: Workshop Courses Playing piano, guitar, or any other instrument is two fold, one is a technique issue (actually playing) and the other one of understanding music (the theory).
Most courses try to teach you to play, but you become frustrated because they take to long to teach you the principles. Most don’t even do a good job of teaching technique, and I have to tell you that having mentor for technique is highly recommended.
There are several good reasons why music students don’t succeed. You already know about practice and finding good teachers.
A third reason may be the final piece of the puzzle that makes the difference in your success. Let me explain..
When I first attempted to learn piano I was shown a few notes at a time and never given the big picture of music theory.
I remember so well going over to Ms. Windburn’s house and learning some notes. Then trying to play a super simple song and then one by one discovering something new like a F sharp (F#) showing up and not having any clue what it was, how it related to any thing, or why we would even be playing it.
Even when I was trying to learn the guitar I was told to hold my fingers down on some strings call it some chord name and strum. Yahoo! I was playing music, NOT! This wasn’t learning to play, this was copy cat learning and didn’t lead to learning very much music.
I banged away at the piano for years after that. Yeah, even a few neighbors complained about the practice every so often. Loud, heavy handed, and disjointed was not very pleasant for anyone, including myself.
Years later I finally learned, in-depth, about music theory and principles. It changed everything for me. From slow and painful to fast and easy.
One of the biggest issues any musician faces is learning music theory. Don’t let a word like theory throw you off. Really it isn’t even theory. Its applied music rules and principles.
The quicker you can understand the music the faster you will be able to learn a song, play and collaborate in a band, concentrate on technique, make great sound, or simply enjoy a larger share of music available to play.
Sign up for the Monthly Music Principles Course and Discover The Key Principles of Professional Musicians – Guaranteed To Allow YOU To Learn Faster And Play More Complex Music Than Ever Before! Click Here To Get Started With Mastering Music Now Learning to read music is more than just learning the notes. Music is just like learning a language. You learn the alphabet and numbers and then you put them together and group in series or sets. Then you learn to use those groups to say words which lead you to phrases and statements.
In music you learn notes and time value. You combine, stack, change pitch, and create phrases within systems to make a statement. That’s music, not plinking away at some notes or strumming a few chords.
You need to learn these systems as quick as possible to be able to truly become a great musician. The problem is that most students learn the principles or theory a little at a time, and they never learn to really apply them until years later.
Here’s the rub. There are over 30 key signatures (keys) you can learn. In each of those keys there are 7 sets of basic chords, let alone the many variations that one can use.
The typical methods of teaching never get to the heart of the matter. That’s the understanding and application of core music principles, they all think you have to go to college to do that.
I’m here to tell you that in one year you can learn as much as many college students and without the cost.
It’s a 12 month – 24 lesson course/workshop that takes you from learning the basic notes (alphabet) all the way to chord progression concepts (sentences and paragraphs).
Rather than take 4 to 8 years to learn music, this course will take years off your lesson time. You’ll learn and have more knowledge than a lot of college music students. And its been designed to do the essentials in less than a year.
Discover The Inside Methods Of The Professional Musician With Ease — In Just Minutes A Day! Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Greedy Music Teachers Don’t Want You To Buy It! They’ll Lose Several Years Of Income If You Do! Then Others Wish You Would Buy It, Because They Hate Teaching It.
Think about the time and money will you spent in 4 years learning music from a piano or guitar teacher. Compare the effort here.
If you could accomplish learning… Read more…
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