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"For a long time it’s a known fact that almost nobody gets heart disease in China. After years of research, scientists found their answers to why this happens in Omega 3.
It is also a known fact that almost nobody gets sarcoidosis in China. This book finally discloses what are the healing agents that can do the same for sarcoidosis that Omega 3 is doing for heart disease."
My name is Abe Hsieh. The hair on my head was still black when I first started working on sarcoidosis and helping people beat this horrible disease. Since that time, I am proud to have helped 1000s heal sarcoidosis, regain their health completely and continue with their lives like sarcoidosis never happened.
I have been a Traditional Chinese Medicine prac ioner for 37 years and I am working exclusively with sarcoidosis for over 25 years now. In this time, I strongly believe that I have found precise reasons why Chinese people almost never get sarcoidosis (it is over 1,200% less frequent according to my data).
The fact that you have reached this page means that it is very likely that you or somebody you care for is suffering from this potentially deadly disease.
Are you ashamed to be seen on the street because of your rash or you are afraid that at any time a rash may appear and disfigure your face?
If you can recognize yourself in any of the questions above, then getting to this page will change your life. I guarantee that !
Please don’t leave this page because I offer my honor as a guarantee that what you do right now will make the difference between you being healthy within a couple of months or suffering terrible symptoms that turn you into a zoombie that is just waiting for death.
Sarcoidosis is not a mystery any more and I will teach you exactly where is the source of your disease and what you can do to shift these chemical culprits in your favor.
I could go on and on about my methods and how successful they are proven to be in official studies, but instead, I’m going to show you what past few clients who had sarcoidosis and beat it had to say:
I got your ebook last year after a recommendation from a friend who listened to a TV show that mentioned the ebook and the commotion it caused in the medical community.
Today, I am so grateful for that day because today I am a completely changed person. My sarcoidosis is in total remission, my rash is gone and I am this new vibrant and positive person. It’s enough to say that before that I was frustrated with loosing the battle with sarcoidosis for over 12 years."
"I was starting to give up all hope as my lungs were so obstructed I could not breathe normally half of the time and felt like a living corpse.
My doctors kept telling me that the only way to deal with sarcoidosis is to address symptoms as they come. That meant that I would struggle with this thing for as long as I am alive. The worst thing was that I was such a burden for my family.
Your book completely changed my life. I got it last year and I swear that I could feel the change within a week. It was amazing to find out that I was making myself worse with so many things that I did every day. I thank you for all the hard work that you put into this."
"At the age of 29 I was visiting my doctor at least once a week. I am afraid to think about what would be of me by now if I haven’t used your methods to regain my health.
I had sarcoidosis in my lungs and my spine. The spine involvement was so severe that I had problems moving and I would have to take huge doses of Prednisone to resolve it. All the Prednisone caused my hair to fall of at one point. I was a wreck.
My first reaction to what I read in your ebook is shock. Shock that the solutions were so simple and that the truth was kept from me for so long. Today, I am in 8 months long complete remission from any symptoms."
"The fact that I had sever sarcoidosis interfered with all my plans to have a family for so long.
Everybody told me that sarcoidosis should not interfere with my pregnancy and delivery. Evidently, none of them have experienced what sarcoidosis flare can do to a person. At times it got so bad that I would just lie down for days, fatigued and in rash usually around my lips and on my cheeks.
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